
Monday, June 17, 2013

K/1 Reading Street Resources GALORE!!

So, I don't know about your school, but ours (and I know of many others) that are switching over to new Common Core Curriculums. Our entire district is switching over for reading and math. For reading, we are moving over to the Scott Foresman Reading Street (2013 Common Core Edition). This curriculum is totally different than the one we previously had, so I figured I would get a head start getting acclimated to this new curriculum.

Since I teach a K/1 combination class, I have been making resources for BOTH! I am planning on (hopefully, soon!) making a combination resource/pacing guide to match up both curriculums!

Anyways, I wanted to share everything I have been making, if you FOLLOW both my blog and my TeachersPayTeachers store, you'll be able to see when I post FREEBIES/GIVEAWAYS for these new curriculum products!!

Let's start with Kindergarten!

Below are the sight word cards that go with the units!

 Now, here is a "master" list of the sight words, including a checklist, and record sheets! Note that I haven't put up ALL pictures, just a few to show you what you get. Click on the pictures to go to my TeachersPayTeachers Store with all of the resources.

The last kindergarten product I have is an "objectives/overview" pack which has helped me TREMENDOUSLY in my planning. Included are:

- charts/tables with phonics, listening comprehension, speaking and listening, and conventions for EACH week! 
- charts with the unit/main selection title/genre
- High Frequency (Sight Word) chart sorted by unit/week
-Amazing Word lists (Oral Vocabulary) also sorted by week!

This has helped my organization IMMENSELY! I hope it helps you as much as it has for me :)


Now onto my FIRST GRADE resources. First grade has a MUCH larger selection of material, so I have more resources for that. I am still in the making of more products for each grade level!

Sight Words Cards:


 The above pack is a sight word card pack that has the units organized by color! Each unit has one color for it: yellow, green, blue, orange, pink, purple

Then, there's a sight word card pack with ALL different colors!

Then, I made SPELLING word cards for each unit. These are great for literacy stations or even your focus wall! I always put up the week's spelling words in a pocket chart and I love how these bright colors stand out! 

You can buy the pack with ALL 5 units or you can buy them individually by unit!

Then, there's a sight word checklist/assessment pack that has:

- Sight Word Lists
- Sight Word Checksheet (with two check spots for before/after each unit)
- Sight Word Checksheet (with one check spot)
- Sight Word Lists (divided up by unit and week!)

So, as you can see I already have made A TON of Reading Street Resources...but know that there are MANY more to come.

Follow me to get updates on when I have freebies/giveaways....there will be one coming SOON!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. These supplies are amazing, thanks for making this post! I should definitely consider buying something like this next year. I'm sure kids are going to love it. To be honest it's rather hard for me to come up with interesting tasks when it comes to reading and writing. During my teaching practice I used MyCustomWritingEssay for professional help. Even now it feels like my exercises and games are not enough to keep kid interested. Being able to make lessons both entertaining and productive is pretty much an art. Ann
