
Monday, February 11, 2013

Lovebug Compound Words

Who doesn't love cute hearts and adorable bees? Well, I know my kiddos loved it! We have been learning about compound words. It's in our first grade curriculum but my kinders were dying to learn about it too! Both grades had so much fun buzzing around finding the matching compound word! :) Click on the picture to grab a copy of your own!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the ideas, I just need something new. You know it is so difficult to make my kids study so I allowed them to use cookies with words (we write them beforehand) for this purpose and I can also share other ways. So we have stickers with words and we find the right place for them (we call it their house) also we have a small puppet theatre at home and we make stories about compound words and their friendship. As all children, my own ones are crazy about computers and sometimes we use online resources ( for example writing help on dissertations here I use for elder children to help them with essays) . I have heard about sandbox we adore drawing on the sand however in winter it is impossible so we have a big flat plate with semolina where we can write letters with our fingers.
