
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Best Year Ever TpT Sale!

It's that time of year again! The time when you are figuring out everything you want for the upcoming school year and filling your wish list or cart with tons of great TpT products! I know that I want to make this the BEST YEAR EVER and I'm sure you do to, so come on over and check out the Teachers Pay Teachers Best Year Ever Sale!!

Click on the picture to check out what's on sale in my store

Hope you get some AWESOME purchases to help with your best year ever!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Back to School ALREADY? How about some lesson planning organization?

I don't know about you but I LOVE summer. I know some of you may be feeling like this when you hear the words "back to school"...

It's been nice being able to have my own schedule and do what I want, but at the same time I LOVE having a routine and as much as I love summer, back to school just gets me excited!!

What's the first thing you do before going back to school? I always get my lesson plan book and calendars all set up! So, I thought I'd share with you one of my FAVORITE ways to help me get organized for the upcoming school year. It's my Ultimate Teacher Lesson Plan Binder!

Read below to see everything that is included that will absolutely help with all of your organizational needs! :)


Information Sheet (2 versions)
Binder Covers (6 different colors to choose from!) 
- A blank space is provided to write your name! 

Divider Covers

- Grades
- Important Documents
- Parent Communication
- Student Information
- Class Schedule
- Substitute Information
- Lesson Plans
- Student Data
- Pacing Guides
- Benchmarks
- Meeting Notes
- Parent Contact Information
- IEP's
- Calendar
- Class Lists
- Attendance
- Volunteer Information
- Emergency Procedures
- Technology
- Notes
- Passwords
- To Do
- Newsletters
- Permission Slips
- Book Check-Out
- Class Information
- Transportation

Additional Binder Covers

- Student Information Binder
- Substitute Binder
- Professional Development Binder
- Accelerated Reader
- Parent Communication Binder
- Substitute Information Binder
- Lesson Plans
- Student Data Binder
- One cover for each of the twelve months! 

Subject Covers and Dividers

(these can be used for covers or dividers)

- Reading
- Spelling
- Fluency
- Literacy Stations
- Word Lists
- Grammar
- Language Arts
- Math
- Math Stations
- Science
- Social Studies
- Writing
- Morning Work
- Workshop

** A blank copy of each color of the dividers/covers is also provided so you can create any of your own!

Notes and To-Do lists

- Notes
- Faculty Meeting Notes
- Parent Conference Notes
- To-do full page
- To-do half page sheets
- Blank notes page
- Meeting Notes

Logs and Forms

- Parent Contact Information (3 versions)
- Student Allergies
- Parent Communication Log (Class Sheet)
- Parent Communication Log (individual student sheet)
- Student Passwords
- Teacher Passwords
- Book Check-Out 
- Safety Procedures
- Classroom Birthdays Sheet
- Literacy Station Planning

Rosters and Grade Sheets

- Daily Schedule
- Class List 
- Class List (separated by boys/girls)
- Student Numbers
- Transportation (2 versions)
- Blank "grade" sheet with no title (black and white)
- Colorful grade sheet: checklist
- Colorful grade sheet: Reading
- Colorful grade sheet: Math
- Colorful grade sheet: Writing
- Colorful grade sheet: Science
- Colorful grade sheet: Social Studies
- Colorful grade sheet (Blank)

The lesson plans are included in both black and white and colorful! 

Teacher Planning Pages

Separated by day of the week


 COLORFUL 2 page spread calendar for every month! June 2016 - July 2017

Binder Spines

- Chevron Assortment for 1 inch binder
- Chevron Assortment for 1 1/2 inch binder
- Chevron Assortment for 2 inch binder


- 1 3/4 x 1/2 rectangular tabs
- 1 1/2 inch round tabs

If you're as obsessed with organization as much as I am, then check out this teacher binder at my TPT Store

Monday, May 2, 2016

Teacher Appreciation TPT Sale!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! In honor of this, TPT has decided to host a sale! The best part about this sale is that my ENTIRE store is on sale and if you use the code CELEBRATE, you get extra off! How lucky are you! So, hop on over to TPT May 3rd and 4th and check out my store and others to see what great sales are going on!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Leap Day Brag Tags

What only comes around once every 4 years? Leap Day! This is a great day to plan some really fun activities for your kiddos! I also thought it would be fun to FINALLY start putting up my BRAG TAGS! I've been doing brag tags for a few years and I have been so busy that I have neglected to put up any of my brag tags!

Brag Tags are AWESOME! It is an awesome way to help with classroom management and the kiddos LOVE it! If you head on over to A is for Apples, Elyse has a great post on what Brag Tags are! 

If you are super interested in getting "Leap Day" Brag Tags, you can click here or on the picture below!

Happy Leap Day! 

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Valentine's Day Bulletin Board and a Freebie!

I am FINALLY able to say that my team and I put up our grade level bulletin board early!! What a great feeling! We got our kiddos to write about their favorite book and 3 reasons why! They really rocked it! Then, our team got together and busted out this awesome bulletin board that I just had to share!!

Click on the picture or here to grab yours!

 I printed the hearts on different colored paper so it made the bulletin board stand out! You could also use this as a writing about a friend, too! I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for stopping by!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Are you ready to be....INSPIRED?

It's that time of year again when TPT is having a sitewide sale! That means that my ENTIRE store will be on sale! You can save up to 28%. Now's the time to check out that wish list of yours!

Now, what are you waiting for!? Start shopping!! :)